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power comander 5

Messages recommandés

The NEW Power Commander V

Power Commander V Product Introduction

The New Power Commander V is loaded with tons of new features. It is compatible
with 2009 and newer bike models. Below you will find some Power Commander V features.

  • Reduced size from PCIIIusb (less than half of the
    size of PCIII)
  • USB powered from computer (9 volt adapter is no
    longer needed for programming)
  • 2 position map switching function built in (map
    switch not included)
  • Gear input (allows for map adjustment based on
    gear and speed)
  • Analog input (allows user to install any 0-5 volt
    sensor and build an adjustment table based on its input such as boost or temperature)
  • With gear position input connected the PCV is capable
    of allowing each cylinder to be mapped individually and for each gear (for example:
    on a 4 cylinder bike with a six speed transmission there could be up to 24 separate
    fuel tables).
  • Unit has a -100/+250% fuel change range (up from
    -100/+100%). This allows more adjustment range for 8 injector sportbikes
  • 10 throttle position columns (up from 9 on PCIIIusb)
  • Enhanced “accel pump” utility (increased adjustment
    and sensitivity ranges)

Power Commander V Accessories Gallery

Power Commander V is shown with Harley-Davidson Harness. This Harness style can
vary depending on Bike Make and Model.

The NEW Power Commander V and It's Accessories

AutoTune for Power Commander V

The Auto Tune kit monitors the fuel mixture (by installing the included Wide Band
O2 sensor in the exhaust). It then sends this information to the Power Commander
V and automatically corrects it while you ride. Each map that we offer has preset
Air/Fuel ratio values included that we find to be the best overall settings. This
lets you simply plug in the unit and let it do the work. For Harley Davidson models
we ever monitor and adjust each cylinder individually for increased precision as
on these models required fueling can vary significantly between the front and rear

LCD Display for Power Commander V

The LCD Display connects to any Power Commander USB (some BMW models excluded) via
a "quick disconnect" cable. It is designed to remain on the bike and is weather
resistant. While connected, the unit will display all available data from the Power
Commander. When the optional Multi-Function Hub is also installed all of its data
is available for viewing as well.

Quick Shifter for Power Commander V

Normally during "up shifting" you must roll off of the throttle and pull in the
clutch in order to engage the next higher gear. In racing (both drag and road race),
split seconds count. Rolling off the throttle, even slightly, slows your times and
can be the difference between winning and losing. The Dynojet Quick Shifter (DQS)
allows full throttle, clutch less shifting. This is done by momentarily cutting
the fuel and or ignition, which unloads the transmission. During this time, the
rider can shift up to the next gear without rolling off the throttle or using the

Power Commander III USB and NEW Power Commander V shown together. Respectively,
the New Power Commander V is twice smaller than the Power Commander III USB.

Power Commander V Related Accessories

Power Commander V Accessories

Power Commander V has all the same accessories Power Commander III USB has and more.
Below you can view some of these accessories. This text needs editing and replacement.

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pour vous faire le topo ce boitier est identique au modele 3 la difference est qu'il est possible d'y ajouter des option comme l'ecran et surtout l'autotune
cette option permet le reglage de l'injection grace a une sonde lambda
autrement dit votre quad sera toujour au top niveau reglage

perso je dispose deja du pc3 mais etant donner que j'ai les option j'ai commander le pc5 ... je vous ferai un petit reportage lors du montage et surtout des reglage de la bete ...

pour info je sais qu'il est dispo pour l'instant outre atlantique contre 300$ le pc5 et 199$ l'autotune
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c'est pas si simple que ca !
il y a plein de parametre a prendre en compte pour qu'un berlingue donne le meilleur! le temps exterieur ,le taux d'octane ,la pression atmo etc ...bin ce boitier permet de palier a tout c'est parametre
je m'explique ! le taux optimal pour un moteur est de 12.8 litres d'air pour un litre d'essence
en moyene un boitier cdi donne 15 /1 avec ce boitier et l'option autotune tu est toujours a 12.8/1 donc toujours au top !
ca joue sur la richesse mais le résultat est toujours optimal au bas en haut et par tout les temps !

imagine que ta un carbu et qu'un petit bonhome te regle ton quad pendant que t'en fais ! c'est un peu ca !!
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  • 3 weeks later...

bon voila PCV et AUTOTUNE installer sur le 7R ,bin c'est un truc de dingue ! deja la cartographie n'est pas la meme que le PC3 pourtant c'est la meme carte ,
j'y comprend rien !!!! il a fallue une bonne vingtaine de minute pour qu'il s'autoregle,mais le resultat est la !! ca a ajouter des watts partout ! maintenant ca leve en 4 !!!! deja que le g@btor avait le feu au cul mais la c'est la folie ! comme si j'avait decendue une dent sortie boite kjh alors que je suis en 16 dents devant contre 14 d'origine comme meme !!!

vivement la boite 6 !!!!! quad ! je vous posterai des photo du montage un de c'est 4 ...

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