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Opinions sur la Vmax

Kid V-Max

Messages recommandés

pas chanceux ou completement dans le champs ce gars la

Product Rating: 1/5
Reliability: 2/5
Comfort: 2/5
Handling And Control: 2/5
Quality and Craftsmanship: 2/5
2003 Yamaha V-Max
by jbobwalker ,Oct 21 '05
Pros: Coolest bike made in Japan. 2nd. only to HD as coolest in the world
Cons: Heavy, don't handle or ride that well, excessive brake pad & tire wear.

i bought one, paid the big bucks for new factory built V-Max. V-Max has got to be the coolest bike made in Japan with many aftermarket parts available. 2nd. only to HD as world's coolest bike. but, the cool factor can only carry this bike so far. with in 1.5 yrs. and 15+k miles, the bike leaked motor oil, anti-freeze and, hyd. fluid. bike needed engine removed and torn down for fix. couple this with the bike's weight, bad handling and ride, i had enough. so, i traded it off. if you're into low mileage cruising or posur stuff, the v-max is a great bike but, if you're serious about riding a lot of miles, i do not recommend.

:doublefinger: :caca: ou il est :biere:
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vmaxboys a écrit:
pas chanceux ou completement dans le champs ce gars la

Product Rating: 1/5
Reliability: 2/5
Comfort: 2/5
Handling And Control: 2/5
Quality and Craftsmanship: 2/5
2003 Yamaha V-Max
by jbobwalker ,Oct 21 '05
Pros: Coolest bike made in Japan. 2nd. only to HD as coolest in the world
Cons: Heavy, don't handle or ride that well, excessive brake pad & tire wear.

i bought one, paid the big bucks for new factory built V-Max. V-Max has got to be the coolest bike made in Japan with many aftermarket parts available. 2nd. only to HD as world's coolest bike. but, the cool factor can only carry this bike so far. with in 1.5 yrs. and 15+k miles, the bike leaked motor oil, anti-freeze and, hyd. fluid. bike needed engine removed and torn down for fix. couple this with the bike's weight, bad handling and ride, i had enough. so, i traded it off. if you're into low mileage cruising or posur stuff, the v-max is a great bike but, if you're serious about riding a lot of miles, i do not recommend.

:doublefinger: :caca: ou il est :biere:

Le v-max sois on adore :Super: ou on déteste :pasbon: Very Happy :Vroum:
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vmaxboys a écrit:
pas chanceux ou completement dans le champs ce gars la

Product Rating: 1/5
Reliability: 2/5
Comfort: 2/5
Handling And Control: 2/5
Quality and Craftsmanship: 2/5
2003 Yamaha V-Max
by jbobwalker ,Oct 21 '05
Pros: Coolest bike made in Japan. 2nd. only to HD as coolest in the world
Cons: Heavy, don't handle or ride that well, excessive brake pad & tire wear.

i bought one, paid the big bucks for new factory built V-Max. V-Max has got to be the coolest bike made in Japan with many aftermarket parts available. 2nd. only to HD as world's coolest bike. but, the cool factor can only carry this bike so far. with in 1.5 yrs. and 15+k miles, the bike leaked motor oil, anti-freeze and, hyd. fluid. bike needed engine removed and torn down for fix. couple this with the bike's weight, bad handling and ride, i had enough. so, i traded it off. if you're into low mileage cruising or posur stuff, the v-max is a great bike but, if you're serious about riding a lot of miles, i do not recommend.

:doublefinger: :caca: ou il est :biere:

Comprend pas c'est probablement un vendu Harley!
c'est vrai que 90% des HD produits à ce jour sont encore sur le chemin !
Le 10% qui reste ont réussi à se rendre chez eux Wink

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