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Votre Max surchauffe un brin?

Messages recommandés

j'ai pris ça sur un site anglais. Je n'ai pas testé ce qu'il dit mais ils disent que ca fonctionne.


Drain your old coolant.

For best results flush the system through with tap water. I normally put the bike on my drive and put a hosepipe on a slow trickle into the conduct.

Replace drain bolt. Then fill up as following:

1) Distilled Water 1 litre (I use Halfords battery top up water)
2) 12 caps of Water Wetter (from
3) Antifreeze 1/2 litre
4) Top up with Distilled Water approx. 1 1/2 litres

1) Distilled Water 1 litre
2) 12 caps of Water Wetter
3) Antifreeze 1 1/2 litre
4) Top up with Distilled Water approx. 1/2 litres

Don't forget to turn the drain valve back to the OFF mark

The best way I've found to clean the reservoir tank is to put about 2 tablespoons of washing detergent in it (the stuff the wife using for washing clothes) and then fill with hot water, put the cap on and leave it to soak overnight.

Max Midnights header tank cleaning solution for impatient people:

Take the tank off and have a wander around your local estate.

Find out who has some small gravel laid down for their pseudo Japanese garden.
"Borrow" a handfull of the gravel and put into the tank. Add a cup of water, replace the cap and give it a good shake.

Repeat several times until the crud has come off.

Replace the gravel from where you found it.
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